How To Explore the Non-Local Nature of Consciousness
Quantum entanglement hints at non-locality extending to consciousness.
The notion that consciousness is a non-local phenomenon that transcends the boundaries of space and time has captivated souls for centuries, and modern science is catching up.
At its core, the idea of non-locality of mind challenges the conventional view that the awareness of ‘I’ is confined to the physical body. Instead, it confirms that consciousness operates beyond the individual, exhibiting properties that behave more like a continuum, linking us to a larger expanse of life.
The roots of non-locality can be traced back to our most ancient traditions, which embraced a holistic, interconnected view of the human being as a divine vehicle and man as the pinnacle of God’s creation.
Scientific revelations have advanced humanity’s understanding of our world and our environment; however, understanding the self still confuses the brightest minds of our time.
English scientist Rupert Sheldrake authored a paper, is the Sun Conscious? asking us to look beyond the strict confines of scientific materialism and reconsider how we view reality.
German physicist Max Planck reached the same conclusion, that matter originates from an underlying “conscious and intelligent mind.” This implies that consciousness is fundamental and primary rather than an emergent property of matter.
Philosopher ,” putting consciousness as a property similar to space, time, and mass. David Chalmers explains, “Panpsychism is the view that consciousness is everywhere, that is, that there is information processing going on at the fundamental physical level.”
Chalmers and others, have explored the idea of a “ conscious cosmos Gregg Braden provides several compelling examples that confirm that consciousness has a non-local nature, capable of influencing physical reality in ways that transcend the confines of the physical body.
In psychology, certain phenomena have been interpreted as potential evidence for the non-local nature of consciousness. One notable example is telepathy, the apparent ability to communicate information directly from one mind to another without any known physical mechanism.
While the scientific evidence for telepathy remains controversial, some researchers have documented instances of apparent mind-to-mind communication that defy conventional explanations.
Evidence for non-locality
In a series of experiments conducted by researchers at the University of Virginia, participants exhibited statistically significant scoring rates when attempting to perceive images perceived by others at a distance.
Even though the effect sizes were small, the researchers claimed that the findings were difficult to explain by chance or conventional sensory mechanism.
The most compelling evidence for non-locality comes from quantum physics, where phenomena like quantum entanglement challenge our conventional understanding of reality.
Entanglement describes a situation where particles become interconnected in such a way that the state of one particle instantaneously influences the state of another, regardless of the distance between them.
As physicist John S. Bell famously demonstrated through his eponymous theorem, this “ spooky action at a distance “ defies the principles of classical physics and show that the universe operates according to principles that transcend our ordinary notions of space and time.
Some theorists, such as physicist David Bohm and philosopher Basil Hiley, have proposed that consciousness itself may operate in a similarly non-local manner , existing as a fundamental aspect of the universe rather than an emergent property of individuals explaining the phenomena many twins experience of feeling the other twin despite no physical connection.
Non-local consciousness challenges the concept of the mind being confined to the physical brain. Quantum entanglement hints at non-locality extending to consciousness.
Minds are proposed as receivers tuning into a consciousness field, like radios receiving signals. Remote viewers exhibit accuracy, confirming that non-local consciousness transcending space and time at speeds yet unmapped.
Accounts of mystics like Padre Pio manifesting metaphysical abilities defy material assumptions. Shared experiences around death demonstrate our consciousness interacting across physical departure. The UFO community reports many instances of objects reacting to their thoughts and state.
Challenging our limiting beliefs
Recognising the non-locality of consciousness challenges our limiting beliefs about the nature of existence and can help us in many ways. Here are three
It encourages us to explore beyond conventional boundaries and consider the interconnectedness of all things.
It opens avenues for exploring higher states of awareness, connecting with universal energies, and seeking meaning beyond the physical realm.
It helps us understand that we are all part of a larger consciousness field and can cultivate deeper connections with others and contribute positively to collective evolution.
Unlocking the non-local nature of consciousness reveals profound possibilities. Embracing consciousness as transcendent shatters the shackles of conventional thinking, catalysing new frontiers of being and becoming.
The doors to evolution lie open-will you walk through?